Career Essentials: Resumes & Interviews

Robust Resumes Project – Online Program – Three-Month Access

This will enable you to understand the rationale that Human Resources uses when reviewing resumes. Resumes are never a done (unless you retire); they are always a doing.

This course provides the foundation support to structure your Resume and Curriculum Vitae. It gives you videos, worksheets, and templates to establish a generic resume that can be adapted for a specific role, or additional information may be added when required. Knowledge of the tools will allow you to update your resume any time.

The Robust Resumes Project is for those who want the knowledge and tools to start with a new focus on landing that job. This course could make the difference between your resume being shortlisted or rejected.

Program Investment is AUD$299

FOUR MODULES – 21 LESSONS (normal value $449)

  • Becoming clear on what a resume and curriculum vitae delivers
  • Why it is critical to present yourself in the best possible way on paper
  • Knowing what to avoid in your resume preparation
  • Understanding grammar and language protocols
  • Displaying good resume visual presentation
  • Developing proficiency at writing accomplishment statements
  • Crafting a general resume with a proven list of components
  • Reshaping your general resume for a specific position
  • Cover letter compilation to complement your resume submission
  • Developing a referee list that delivers
  • Continuously updating your resume with new skills and experience

Coaching is additional – ask about our special session offers

Interview Insights Project – Online Program – Three-Month Access

Interview preparation is necessary if you wish to progress the recruitment and selection process. Do not leave it to chance!

This course allows you to acquire interview insights to showcase your accomplishments. It also provides videos and worksheets to build your confidence through preparation.

The Interview Insights course is for those who want to land their dream job. It requires focus and work to prepare for this important event. As an experienced Human Resources professional, I have interviewed over 1,500 people, from university students seeking holiday
work to senior executives.

Everyone has some level of stress during this experience. This course lessens stress because you have tips on how to prepare well.

I have added additional information in the videos about how the interview process works behind the scenes.

The Interview Insights Project is for those who want to hone their interview techniques and understand the mechanics of the process. It will give you confidence in your preparations.

Program Investment is AUD$199

FOUR MODULES – 16 LESSONS (normal value $349)

  • Clarify your purpose to develop your pitch and know your key message
  • Match your experience to the needs of the organisation
  • Preparing your values statement
  • First impressions matter
  • Agenda of an interviewer | interview panels | scoring
  • Tools to assist your responses to traditional and behavioural interview questions
  • Leadership competency questions to review
  • Self-audit your mindset (attitude)
  • Simple questions to ask at an interview
  • Evaluate your interview and follow up guidelines

    Mock Interview Coaching is additional – ask about our special session offers



Specially priced for those who want Robust Resumes and Interview Insights

Let’s position you for career success.